Remember how we were all going to make up a cousins playlist? Well it might be easier to do this using BoomShuffle, a free web radio service that allows a bunch of people to create a playlist together, and it will stream entire songs. I've started up my own playlist (see below), but feel free to sign up and add to it.
Because BoomShuffle is in beta (just released a few days ago), it doesn't have all the songs you might want, but there's enough there to be able to come up with a pleasurable listening experience. Enjoy (and add to it)!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hey y'all
Just dropping in and saying hey!!! lol yea anyways since my last posting my life has done a complet 180! i have a new job with security national financial as one of their telemarketers, im so close to graduating and im dating someone new! hes a new old one..a ex we are dating again...approaching the one month mark! its so nice to have a mormon guy in my life who is encouraging me to get back in the church...anyways i have to go and get ready for work now...on a saturday what is this?!?!?!?!? lol but hopefully ill see all of you up at the cabin or somewhere this summer
Love y'all
Love y'all
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Luszeck update
Hello to all of you! It's been so fun to read your posts and look through your blogs. I think I've even been inspired to create my own blog, and at the rate I accomplish things these days, look for it to appear in the next year or so. :)

Well, for a quick update, Jeff and I have been living in Vegas for the last two years. We really like it here. Jeff switched law firms in the fall and has been much happier at this new place. And I'm just a mom, but I love it. The biggest news from our family is the arrival of baby #2. He was born January 15th, and we named him Jackson Tyler. I think I'm finally adjusting to life with two kids. They definitely keep me busy. Lexi will be two in June. She talks a lot now and is at a really fun age. She's constantly getting into things she shouldn't be, but she's so funny that it's hard to get mad at her. Jackson has been a really good baby. He already sleeps through the night, which is really nice. Anyway, that's about it from here. Nothing too exciting! Here are some pictures of
Lexi and Jackson.

Well, for a quick update, Jeff and I have been living in Vegas for the last two years. We really like it here. Jeff switched law firms in the fall and has been much happier at this new place. And I'm just a mom, but I love it. The biggest news from our family is the arrival of baby #2. He was born January 15th, and we named him Jackson Tyler. I think I'm finally adjusting to life with two kids. They definitely keep me busy. Lexi will be two in June. She talks a lot now and is at a really fun age. She's constantly getting into things she shouldn't be, but she's so funny that it's hard to get mad at her. Jackson has been a really good baby. He already sleeps through the night, which is really nice. Anyway, that's about it from here. Nothing too exciting! Here are some pictures of
Lexi and Jackson.

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Here's a shout out to Erik and Aaron for their upcoming graduations! Anyone else's? Congrats! (Aaron, fill us in on your senior recital...)
Here's another participatory one...I loved all your great music on the last one. This one is...what pieces of life wisdom do you wish to convey to these grads? As always, both sincerity and sarcasm are highly welcome. In fact encouraged.
[edited to say: Sorry for all the ellipses...]
Here's another participatory one...I loved all your great music on the last one. This one is...what pieces of life wisdom do you wish to convey to these grads? As always, both sincerity and sarcasm are highly welcome. In fact encouraged.
[edited to say: Sorry for all the ellipses...]
Sunday, April 1, 2007
here, my friends, are the rest of the crop.

4TH OF JULY 1979 (looks like there's g-ma, marion, annie, matt, nancy, susie, david...)

FALL PICNIC 1979(?) (nancy, matt, susie, mary, len, g-pa, marion & bo our poodle, gayle taylor, grandma, annie)

CABIN COUCH 1982 (chris, matt, nancy, erik, david, isaac) (and check out chris' pajama feet...)

CABIN COUCH PT. II 1982 (jonathan, jane, nancy, nathan, lindsey, matt, chris, brig... and whatever the hell we're doing with our hands)



...FREEEEEEDOM! THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH SHIRTLESS COUSINS 1982 (david, matt, megan, brigham) does anybody else VIVIDLY remember this day?
alas, this is all i've got for now.
over and out-

4TH OF JULY 1979 (looks like there's g-ma, marion, annie, matt, nancy, susie, david...)

FALL PICNIC 1979(?) (nancy, matt, susie, mary, len, g-pa, marion & bo our poodle, gayle taylor, grandma, annie)

CABIN COUCH 1982 (chris, matt, nancy, erik, david, isaac) (and check out chris' pajama feet...)

CABIN COUCH PT. II 1982 (jonathan, jane, nancy, nathan, lindsey, matt, chris, brig... and whatever the hell we're doing with our hands)



...FREEEEEEDOM! THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH SHIRTLESS COUSINS 1982 (david, matt, megan, brigham) does anybody else VIVIDLY remember this day?
alas, this is all i've got for now.
over and out-
Saturday, March 31, 2007
ok so here is the first installment of paxman cousin visual history 101. the following are all the polaroids i've found...looks like they span a couple be exact.

THANKSGIVING 1983 (g-ma + the roundest glasses ever, matt, annie, chris, g-pa and a very bored lindsey)

SAME THANKSGIVING, MAKING ELEGANT GINGERBREAD? (chris, lindsey, g-ma, david, matt, nancy, megan)

THANKSGIVING DINNER, '83 (notice the polaroid on the table..ooh..meta-polaroid) (g-pa, annie, david, matt, marion, chris)


ERIK, ROOFTOP IN CAMBRIDGE, MA JULY 2003 (i took this and the next photo on my x-country trip in the summer o' 2003)

ADAM @ MEG+CHRIS' MED SCHOOL APARTMENT JULY 2003 (fresh off the plane from italy)
...and stay tuned for more episodes!
ok so here is the first installment of paxman cousin visual history 101. the following are all the polaroids i've found...looks like they span a couple be exact.

THANKSGIVING 1983 (g-ma + the roundest glasses ever, matt, annie, chris, g-pa and a very bored lindsey)

SAME THANKSGIVING, MAKING ELEGANT GINGERBREAD? (chris, lindsey, g-ma, david, matt, nancy, megan)

THANKSGIVING DINNER, '83 (notice the polaroid on the table..ooh..meta-polaroid) (g-pa, annie, david, matt, marion, chris)


ERIK, ROOFTOP IN CAMBRIDGE, MA JULY 2003 (i took this and the next photo on my x-country trip in the summer o' 2003)

ADAM @ MEG+CHRIS' MED SCHOOL APARTMENT JULY 2003 (fresh off the plane from italy)
...and stay tuned for more episodes!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
mic check

hello all dear cousins.
so good to be in contact with y'all!
so after graduating in december i moved to bisbee arizona and took a job with my carpenter friend. i also was able to get down to mexico for a while (see right). now, i'm in logan awaiting my peace corps assingment (or as carolyn calls it my 'calling' - strangely appropriate in many ways, and not in others). i've been having some nice downtime, playing music with friends and preparing for my journey. i even got to get up and see adam, nancy and peter in sun valley over my birthday, good times. i took an archaeology job down in southern utah yesterday, i miss the desert already it seems. it starts next week. mama c and i are going down to aaron's senior recital so i may see some of the utah resident cousins this evening.
love you all,
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hello all of my dear blood relatives-
This will be a quick one, but just wanted to drop in to say HELLooooo, and let you know i'm still alive and well and living in Brooklyn. Today is like summer outside and it's got me all filled up with seasonal nostalgia. Anyway, Brig, I found a whole bunch of old cousin photos in a deeeep dank forgotten drawer @ my mother's house recently. I scanned them all and left the originals in utah. I'm going to work on getting them all together and i'll post them here or on Flickr. Yeah? If you want a bigger file I can burn them all to a disc or send them to you via ether in a few dozen emails.
Ok! I'll be back soon...
This will be a quick one, but just wanted to drop in to say HELLooooo, and let you know i'm still alive and well and living in Brooklyn. Today is like summer outside and it's got me all filled up with seasonal nostalgia. Anyway, Brig, I found a whole bunch of old cousin photos in a deeeep dank forgotten drawer @ my mother's house recently. I scanned them all and left the originals in utah. I'm going to work on getting them all together and i'll post them here or on Flickr. Yeah? If you want a bigger file I can burn them all to a disc or send them to you via ether in a few dozen emails.
Ok! I'll be back soon...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tokonebo says . . .
. . . How!!
I'm finally getting my act together enough to join you all - it's great to hear about new jobs, new cars (congrats, Liz!), new mission calls (congrats, Colin!), and everything else.
So, quickly, we're enjoying some balmy March weather in Denver - it's supposed to be the snowiest month, but we took care of about three winter's worth of snow in December and January, so it's about time we get some 70-degree days.
Anyway, right now I'm teaching a couple of classes in the Humanities/Comparative Literature Dept. at the University of Colorado in Boulder. I'll start teaching at Kent Denver School, a private high school, in the Fall. It's a beautiful place with great students and colleagues, and it will mean no more commuting for me or for Frank, who just started a new job in downtown Denver in February.
I've wavered on the blog business for a while, but after deciding that my initial plan of doing two blogs was a little too ambitious, I've whittled things down to one. I can now (as of two days ago) be found at: Lots of silliness so far, but sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Bentley, that is. PhD in Silly. (Which is what Medieval Spanish Literature really is, after all. Just plain silly.)
Thanks, Annie the Ambitious Homebody for setting this up!
I'm finally getting my act together enough to join you all - it's great to hear about new jobs, new cars (congrats, Liz!), new mission calls (congrats, Colin!), and everything else.
So, quickly, we're enjoying some balmy March weather in Denver - it's supposed to be the snowiest month, but we took care of about three winter's worth of snow in December and January, so it's about time we get some 70-degree days.
Anyway, right now I'm teaching a couple of classes in the Humanities/Comparative Literature Dept. at the University of Colorado in Boulder. I'll start teaching at Kent Denver School, a private high school, in the Fall. It's a beautiful place with great students and colleagues, and it will mean no more commuting for me or for Frank, who just started a new job in downtown Denver in February.
I've wavered on the blog business for a while, but after deciding that my initial plan of doing two blogs was a little too ambitious, I've whittled things down to one. I can now (as of two days ago) be found at: Lots of silliness so far, but sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Bentley, that is. PhD in Silly. (Which is what Medieval Spanish Literature really is, after all. Just plain silly.)
Thanks, Annie the Ambitious Homebody for setting this up!
Here's a participatory one...
What's the first song that comes up on your iPod/mp3/cd/8track player? Come on, if you're reading this, just hit "comment" and give us a window to the life between your ears. Mine? "Not Alone" by Patty Griffin...not at all representative of what's generally on there but a good song anyway. How about you?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Clumsy One speaks
The news from DC:
As some of you know, I pulled off a spectacular acrobatic feat on my bike last fall and gave myself a fantastic clavicle fracture.
What else? I love my job (I work for a judge), Jennie likes hers (health services research), and we like DC even more than we thought we would. It's no Seattle, of course, but it will do as a surrogate home for a while. You should all come visit, lest the exorbitant rent we pay for a spare guest bedroom go to waste.
Here are some photos from a trip we took to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. And here
is our blog, which we've basically done nothing with.
Oh, and Annie, where'd you get that great photo? Is there a larger version somewhere?
As some of you know, I pulled off a spectacular acrobatic feat on my bike last fall and gave myself a fantastic clavicle fracture.
What else? I love my job (I work for a judge), Jennie likes hers (health services research), and we like DC even more than we thought we would. It's no Seattle, of course, but it will do as a surrogate home for a while. You should all come visit, lest the exorbitant rent we pay for a spare guest bedroom go to waste.
Here are some photos from a trip we took to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. And here
is our blog, which we've basically done nothing with.
Oh, and Annie, where'd you get that great photo? Is there a larger version somewhere?
Hey Coosins!
Cheers to all those that brave winter, you are strong people!! I am working on 3 straight years of not facing an extended winter (last time was 2005 in Boston). To update, I moved to Los Angeles in the summer of 2005 to begin an MBA in International Business at Pepperdine University. I am about to graduate in less than a month. For the past 7 months I have been studying and working in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I see Uncle David and Aunt Kathryn every now and again, it is great to have family only a few minutes away! I will be back stateside, in the LA area again, in mid-April.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
So im just getting ready to graduate and go to SUU (Southern Utah University) in August....i am dating this amazing guy right now...his name is Tyler and he is sooo cute and he spoils me!! i love it! umm im working for my momma as her legal assistant...and ooooooo i got a new car!!!!!! i LOVE it! isuzu trooper...bass is amazing!! anyways i hope to see yall soon!!!!!
love ya guys
love ya guys
Monday, March 19, 2007
Colin Hatch's mission call

I'm sure you've all heard...but if you haven't...I got my mission call! I was called to the Culiacan Mexico Mission, in Mexico no less. So I'm pretty busy being excited about that.
I'm in my second semester of college at BYWOOO! It's fun, I'm learning, doing all that stuff. I'm playing and recording a lot of music now and you can hear it at HERE!.
Thanks for starting this up, it's great to hear about everybody.
OH! I went up to Wildwood with some friends last weekend and that's what the picture is from. Those swings are amazing.
Love to all,
From Nathan
[I'm taking the liberty of pulling this from the comments and posting it. Hope that's okay, Nathan?]
Hi gang. Thanks, Annie, for starting this up. It could be really fun.
I don't have an amazing picture from days of yore, but here I go. Just an update on things, Sarah Jane and I are living in a studio in the West Village, and I'm finishing up course work at the CUNY Graduate Center and am into my second semester teaching music at Hunter College as an adjunct. Sarah Jane is working at Harper Collins. I'm working on writing music for a play by Ted Hughes called Alcestis that'll be performed in April.
Oh, Sarah Jane and I have a blog:
Other than that, things are kind of normal over here. We're excited for spring to come along. Down with cold weather, up with the warm weather.
So I'd love to hear where everyone is and what you're all up to. You deserve a cookie if you'll respond. I'm sure you can find many cookies or other fine preserved treats frozen in Grandma's freezer.
March 18, 2007 7:56 PM
Hi gang. Thanks, Annie, for starting this up. It could be really fun.
I don't have an amazing picture from days of yore, but here I go. Just an update on things, Sarah Jane and I are living in a studio in the West Village, and I'm finishing up course work at the CUNY Graduate Center and am into my second semester teaching music at Hunter College as an adjunct. Sarah Jane is working at Harper Collins. I'm working on writing music for a play by Ted Hughes called Alcestis that'll be performed in April.
Oh, Sarah Jane and I have a blog:
Other than that, things are kind of normal over here. We're excited for spring to come along. Down with cold weather, up with the warm weather.
So I'd love to hear where everyone is and what you're all up to. You deserve a cookie if you'll respond. I'm sure you can find many cookies or other fine preserved treats frozen in Grandma's freezer.
March 18, 2007 7:56 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Calling all cousins
I miss seeing each of you and thought I'd start this up & see how it goes. You're invited to post whatever...what you're thinking about, listening to, reading, doing, funny memories...really whatever (you don't need me to elaborate all the options!).
Think of it as a conversation around the blue table at the cabin, minus the "elegant meal."
Think of it as a conversation around the blue table at the cabin, minus the "elegant meal."
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