Thursday, April 12, 2007


Here's a shout out to Erik and Aaron for their upcoming graduations! Anyone else's? Congrats! (Aaron, fill us in on your senior recital...)

Here's another participatory one...I loved all your great music on the last one. This one is...what pieces of life wisdom do you wish to convey to these grads? As always, both sincerity and sarcasm are highly welcome. In fact encouraged.

[edited to say: Sorry for all the ellipses...]


Judy said...

Isn't Liz graduating from high school?

Anyway, congrats to all of you!! I thought college was the best/most fun time of my life, so... To Liz - The best years of your life are just ahead!
To Aaron and Erik - The best years of your life are now behind you - hope you enjoyed them! :) j/k

Annie said...

You're right! Sorry Liz. I forgot to look past April to May and June.

Christopher Bentley said...

I guess my advice would be to look into more school. who really wants to get a real job anyway? just keep going til they kick you out. right?
congrats all!

nathan said...

Congratulations graduates. I'm in the same boat with Chris; school is for awesome people (and yes, as a student myself, I am awesome by default). But job or school, if you want to keep learning, you will.